#16 Free Energy, Electroculture, and Parasite Conspiracy: The Latest That Will Make You Question All

1 year ago

In our latest episode, we explore a range of fascinating and controversial topics. We start with a discussion of the claim that parasites are the true reason behind many of humanity's most common illnesses, including potentially HIV and cancer. We delve into the conspiracy theories surrounding this claim, including the idea that the focus on symptoms is a deliberate diversion to further depopulation and profit. We also discuss the claims that vaccines, such as hepatitis B, could be used to introduce illness-causing factors into the population.

Moving on, we explore the power of AI with a viral photorealistic Balenciaga promo video, featuring the Harry Potter cast. This video underlines the immense potential of AI and its ability to revolutionize our world.

We then turn to the topic of electroculture, discussing an ancient hidden technology that uses simple brass antennas to harvest chi/prana into the soil, resulting in vastly improved soil health, moist retention, and plant growth without the use of fertilizers or pesticides.

Finally, we explore the intriguing world of old Tartaria technology, examining the claims that copper spheres and mercury can generate free energy from the atmosphere.

Along the way, we also touch on a range of other topics, including a funny video featuring a UN official struggling to argue the illegality of Russia's occupation in Russia while simultaneously discarding the illegality of the USA's presence in Syria. We also cover the ongoing riots in France, where firefighters are taking up the fight with the people against the police.

Join us for a thought-provoking and entertaining episode that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.

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