Freemason Frontman is Frisking Your Constitutional Rights

1 year ago

John Kennedy is a Masonic frontman to bring the NWO into your...


The crimes in society has gone haywire because the Freemasons have a brainchip-hivemind-army of thUgs who are rising the NWO fiery phoenix which likes to spawn from ashes(they say).

The brainchip are also covertly installed into the non-Cult-sworn populations where they act as sleeper-assassins that can be "heterodyned" or remote controlled by the freemasons running all of the world's security, police, politicians, military, education, universities, hospitals, etc.,

Look-up heterodyn here:

That is how the freemasons and Luciferians plan their motto: "Order Out Of Chaos." Through the brainchipped population of brainchipzombies.

My has been blocked again, so you can download it here: and open index.html

Thanks for helping save humanity from the thUgs rising their fake Utopia from the ashes of the past.

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