Grandma forces granddaughter to get vaccinated • gives traumatizing details

1 year ago

What are your thoughts on this grandma getting her granddaughter vaccinated and sharing how traumatized the girl was, on a public account? The poor girl did not want to get vaccinated and was literally flipping out and causing a scene. I’m traumatized just from seeing this video. Pray for this little girl, McKenna. ♥️

The grandma states that McKenna was anxious upon arrival. She had a “total meltdown and refused to remove her sweater”.

“She’s not complying” (so young and already knows she’s not a 🐑!)

Little girl was hyperventilating, and grandma says to the nurse, “let’s just do this”… grandma states the little girl was “screaming her head off, bloody murder”. Grandmas back hurts from holding her so tight. The little sister is even traumatized from witnessing this.

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