Does Chris Hipkins Not Know What A Woman Is? - UK Column News - 3rd April 2023

1 year ago

- Journalist Sean Plunkett asks New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins, "what is a woman?" He can't answer 
- Sean Plunkett Twitter suspended
- Mail Online: As a gay teacher, I tried to help LGBT students feel included—only for them to turn on me
- Mail Online: A school’s casual phone call to a mother who shops in Waterstones left her in an uproar
- Sky News: Young trans people seeking help to return to original sex
- Reuters: Fact Check-Majority of US mass shooters are cis men, not transgender or non-binary people
- Fox News: Billboard Chris assaulted by aggressive transgender activists at a pro-trans rally in Vancouver, to the polices amusement
- Billboard Chris gave a speech at Florida State Capitol
- Not The Bee: Trans activists stormed the Florida Capitol today to oppose laws that protect little kids from them

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