Full Moon Power Medicine - Integrate the Lunar Energy, Manifest, Empower, Heal, Stay Grounded

1 year ago

This video combines multiples disciplines to stay grounded during the intense energy surge of the Full Moon and tap into the abundant power available. It's not uncommon for the Full Moon to make you feel anxious, irritable, flighty, overly aggressive, etc, even resulting in insomnia and uncharacteristic behavior.

With proper grounding and supportive frequencies you can connect to this energy for empowerment rather than distraction. This is the time to let go of things which no longer serve you, to begin a process of shedding layers or releasing.

As the New Moon represents resting, going within and beginning new projects to manifest, the Full Moon is the culmination of that process and the natural crescendo of lunar vitality. Let this offering be your ally to wield your power for the best possible outcome.

Headphones are not necessary. Listen to this 2-3x for the 3 days prior to the Full Moon, on the night of the Full Moon, and for 3 days following.

Welcome to our quantum healing community. May these offerings bring you deep healing and transformation.

We hope this energizes, heals, uplifts and inspires you.

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