Finland has just joined NATO and here is a Finnish Soldier in training

1 year ago

Finland has just joined NATO. Russia and Putins regime specifically have 1300 km of borders near them, extra just for them. Last time Russia atacked FInland in the second world war it wasnt too good for them, even if back then Finland also lost some teritory. This time Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmarks all toghether are ready to counter Putin if he tries something. In fact the soldiers will fight other soldiers not Putin or the leaders. Now Sankt Petersburg the second largest Russian city is at 100 km from NATO borders. Do you think people from Sankt Petersburg will feel more threatened because of this? Not really, life goes on just as usual in a very prosper Russian City. And next who knows maby Kazhastan will join NATO to add in even more thousands of km of NATO borders to Russia and be pinned even more. Thats what they deserve for the Imperialism in Russia which started from 1547 actually, the expansion of Russia first it was the Csardom of Russia then it was the Russian Empire.
The dark green picture is how Russia looked in 1547 when it was named the Csardom of Russia. And Russia is actually only this region of the World which is today Moscow, Sankt Petersburg, Murmanks, Kazan and up North. The rest of the teritories of Russia are conquered starting from 1547 onward and ARE NOT RUSSIA. Even in 1547 some territories were snatched from Finland but lets say for the sake of the argument that Russia is at it was in 1547 BEFORE the Imperialist Actions started. Russia is a criminal Imperialist Nation for 480 YEARS! And now the Empire is living its last days. GEE, like that wasnt expected. Even the Roman Empire which was the most succesfull in History only lasted from 220 BC towards 280 AC when it split in two to avoid total destruction. Then it lasted for around 200 years the western part. Even the Roman Empire in its integral part only lasted 500 years and in the past everything was slower, it took for example 2 weeks to travel from Rome to Cairo.
USA also started its expansionist policy but later on in history around the time of its forming 1780. USA as a global empire with bases around the world will fall in 100 years or so. Then surely there will be an empire in Asia, it has to be since Imperialistic tendencies shift from a continent to another. Usually Empires dont last as long as the Roman Empire because they are not so succesfull and well maintained. The difference between the Roman Empire for example and the rest of the Empires is that the Roman Empire was very succesfull in building, maintaining security (Pax Romana), improving trade routes, inovations, appeducts, economy and actually brought in many advances. Also the Roman Wars even in those times were not long in years and the ideea was to quickly settle the things military which doesnt seem to be the ideea today. All more modern empires actually didnt brought as many inovations as the Roman Empire did and were and are much more exploitative. Sure, the Roman Empire had a lot of sclaves and created a cast system but people overall had maby more freedom than in today empires. The same Imperialistic tendencies can be seen in China which started around 1900s when the communists took over.

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