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The Necessity of the Resurrection | Growing Pains 28
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof of His claims to be God. Can a person deny that Jesus rose again and still be saved? Pastor Jesse cruises along through 1 Corinthians with a review of 1 Corinthians 15:1-21.
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
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#resurrection #bibleline #risen #heisrisen #easter #truth #jessemartinez #versebyverse
so take your Bibles and we're going to go to First Corinthians chapter 15 we're nearing the end of our verse by verse
study I I have a goal to try and get through
uh verse 21 of First Corinthians 15 1-21 that probably won't happen because we
have to go to different places in the scripture tonight to talk about the resurrection and the title of this
message which is the 28th message is the necessity of the resurrection of Jesus
Christ I'm not going to beat around the bush we're going to go directly to the source
here these first two verses in First Corinthians 15 verses 1 and 2 are very commonly used as
a proof text that a person can believe and not be saved
well it depends on what they're believing in the whole people like to take these two
verses out of context but they don't read verses three and four so we're going to read verses 1 through 4 and
then we're going to back up and we're going to look a little bit at verses one and two but remember Paul is just
getting done addressing the very prideful the very vain the very immature
order of services that were happening in the Corinthian Church I would not be shocked if there were
people in the Corinthian Church who they did not have the gifts of the holy spirit simply because they really were
not believing that Jesus rose from the dead and it's very important that the
resurrection is believed in order for us to be saved because if we're believing in someone who did not rise again
then what did he do for us who are you trusting in we have to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God the one
who rose again from the dead and we have that here in verses three and four but let's look at one through four
First Corinthians chapter 15 on page 1225 moreover Brethren I declare unto
you the gospel you should underline that and circle it this is going to be the whole theme of why we speak on
Resurrection for the next 58 verses in First Corinthians 15. because of the
Gospel that word gospel means the good news it is supposed to be something that
is joyful it has uh an air of good news about it it's not bad news there's a bad
portion to it but it's something that we've all known we're all Sinners there's a payment for our sin but the
good news is is that God through his son Jesus Christ has made the payment for our sins he died in order to make that
payment but he did not stay dead he came back from the dead now if we were to
eliminate the resurrection we're not trusting in Jesus Christ
and this is what was there there may have been some issues in Corinth about this point
but certainly when Paul is talking about tongues and he's talking about the gift of Prophecy
you got the gift of tongues you better be preaching the right gospel you got the gift of Prophecy you better
be expounding the word in a way that lines up with what the scripture says about itself but look there in the end
and the continuing in verse one moreover Brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you
so when Paul was there he was teaching them the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and you
see over in chapter 1 where he talks about their Saints they're Sanctified they're holy which means set apart there
are people who have trusted in Jesus Christ correctly they have put their faith in his death Brown resurrection
and he says about those individuals look at the end of verse 1 and wherein ye
stand okay our ground is established in the resurrection of Christ right we're
not established on anything else all of our faithfulness all of our good works which we can do we can perform
good works does not affect our standing in Christ okay there's there's a difference
between uh how our our condition in Christ and our position
positionally we're eternally secured okay that's that's not going to change but conditionally
we can be disciplined and disobedient we can be obedient and rewarded in those ways but
look what he says in verse 2. by which also ye are saved what's the
saving it's that gospel it's belief in that gospel if you keep in memory what I
have preached unto you unless you have believed in vain now here's where people they take this incorrectly and they say
the way we can know if a person has believed in vain is by how they act and
that's not what is said here the only way a person has believed in vain is they have put their faith in the
wrong thing vain is is something that is empty it
has no value if I'm believing in a in a Jesus who has not come back from the
dead you're going to see tonight we're going to go to many different places in the scripture but I also have my iPad up
here because I'm going to read to you different statements from the major world religions specifically about Jesus
Christ and you'll see why all those religions they don't save because they do not
properly attribute the resurrection of Jesus Christ listen Jesus could have
said all the things that he said that he is God he performed all those Miracles but he said he was going to
come back from the dead okay if he claimed to be God and all those things he said and did
were not taking those away from him but if he did not come back from the dead
he was a liar just a a worker of of sorcery demonic
activity if he did not come back from the dead you have to understand that because he was not able to do what he
said he will do and we'll look at that in scripture tonight but look in verses three and four I delivered unto you first of all that
which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the
scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day
according to the scriptures so hold your place here and we're just going to look in a few different places
where this is claimed to be true go to the Book of John the Gospel of John in
chapter 2. John chapter 2.
I encourage you to to take notes tonight because these are great proof texts for the resurrection
I'll say it again if Jesus has not come back from the dead you'll see what the Bible says about that we we might as
well dismiss early and dismiss permanently there would be no point there really would be no point
in what we're doing it would all be a cruel joke look in verse 19 of John Chapter 2 page
11 17. Jesus answered and said unto them destroy this Temple and in three days I
will raise it up then said the Jews 40 and six years was this temple in building and wilt thou
rear it up in three days but he spake of the Temple of his body now look what he
said in verse 19 destroy this body it says Temple there but we have the
understanding in verse 21 of what he means by that destroy this body and in three days I will raise it up did they
destroy his body uh yes they beat him his had no bro bones broken but he was
whipped his blood was shed he collapsed under the weight of his own cross did he come back from the dead yes he
did we're going to spend some time in the book of Acts look in Acts chapter 1.
Acts chapter 1 and verse 3.
Luke is continuing his kind of uh Christianity and he makes this claim in
Luke or excuse me in Acts chapter 1 and verse 3. to whom also he showed himself
you need to mark this alive after his passion his actions on the cross what he did on
the cross which was pay for the sin of all the world then he came back that's why it is said here he has shown himself
alive after his Passion by many infallible proofs proofs there's a great
book that is written about that you can ask Mr Hernandez about that book being
seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God
so not only did Christ come back from the dead but he was seen and there are
many infallible proofs the Bible claims of this Resurrection look in Chapter 2
of Acts in verses 23 through 24 and verse 30 to
but Acts chapter 2 this is on page 11 51.
start there in verse 23 him we're talking about Jesus you can see there in
in 22 it says Jesus of Nazareth him verse 23 being delivered by the
determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God ye have taken the odd the audience being addressed here are Jews men of
Israel ye have taken and by Wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God hath
marked this here raised up this is his resurrection
having loosed the Pains of death because it was not possible that he should behold an oven
look in verse 32 this Jesus hath God raised up
and you need to mark this here whereof we are all Witnesses okay Witnesses of
what witnesses that we are so disciplined to have good works that's not what the witness is here for
although we should do good works primarily Jesus has been raised up and
therefore these Apostles and those who are going to be trusting Christ in the early church are witnesses of that
Resurrection it happened you can put your trust in him so we're not going to go back to First
Corinthians 15 yet but if you recall it says believed in vain how can a person
believe in vain they do not believe the resurrection
and you'd be surprised when we get to the portion where I read what these different world religions say about
Jesus and his resurrection they all deny him in some form or another
therefore that Resurrection or that religion cannot save and it's not about being
intolerant it's it's just a matter of being correct or incorrect
any other religion that claims that you can get to heaven without Believing on
Jesus Christ is a religion that does not save it's a work of the devil look here in uh Acts chapter 17.
acts 17 and verse 31.
page 1174. acts 17 31 because he hath appointed a
day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he
hath ordained whereof he hath given Assurance unto all men in that he hath
raised him from the dead so we see here we're going to be judged by whether we believe that or not and those who have
believed you can have assurance because he's risen from the dead
it's not just we're believing a point we have to believe that he has risen from the dead I want to read this verse
again because he hath appointed a day in that he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath
ordained that's Christ the world is going to be judged based on this what have you done with Jesus Christ
have you believed have you not believed now for all those who have already believed your day of judgment is done
your sin was judged on the cross in Jesus Christ his resurrection is what
guarantees you that eternal life so your day of judgment is done you'll stand before Christ for your Works to be
judged whether they be profitable or unprofitable and that's what James 2 is all about we talked about that a couple
of weeks ago but there's a whole group of people who have rejected Jesus Christ who will
stand before God and will be judged according to his resurrection and look what it says here
of he hath given Assurance unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead
so not only is this assurance available to those who have believed but for those who have yet to make a decision here's
your Assurance why should you believe on Jesus Christ and not Hinduism and not Buddhism and not the teachings of Islam
or of of Judaism in in the in the incorrect way why should you not believe on those
things he's come back from the dead what does that prove he was and is God
he's able to do exactly what he said he could do now look in um Isaiah 53
going to go to the Old Testament here for just a few minutes
Isaiah chapter 53 verses 10 through 12. great passage here if you want to learn
how to share the gospel to a Jewish friend this is an excellent excellent Passage
I've said this before and I haven't said it in a while but there's a I don't know if it's still on Facebook but there is a
great Facebook page of people that have converted from uh the
Jewish faith which denies the the uh that Christ is the Messiah still
believes that either the disciples stole the body or the gardener stole the body um but there's a there's a page on
Facebook where you get to read these people's testimonies uh and and a lot of them don't like to be called Messianic
Jews they like to be called Christians because that's what the Bible identifies them as but it's interesting to see that
once they see the the New Testament and what the New Testament says about Christ many of them were then introduced to
Isaiah 53 in a whole new light but that that goes without saying look in verse 10 page 760.
Isaiah 53 yet it pleased the Lord to Bruce him he hath put him to grief when
thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall
prolong his days so he dies up there in verse 9 rich in his death
we see here in verse 10 that his days are now going to be prolonged speaking of him coming back from the dead and the
pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see the travail of his
soul when he was on that cross when he paid for the sins of the world and shall
be satisfied the wrath of God will be satisfied in the death of Christ by his
knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many look you take your pointer finger and you point to yourself you're
part of that many if you've believed on the death Brown resurrection of Jesus Christ you've been
Justified why look at the end of verse 11 for he shall bear their iniquities therefore
will I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he hath poured out
his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he bear the sins of many and made intercession for
the transgressors speaking of Jesus Christ him suffering for sin to death
and then his days being prolonged look in Psalm The Book of Psalms
in chapter 16.
Psalms chapter 16 verses 10 through 11. page 605
for thou Wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One
this is Jesus to see corruption how would Jesus see corruption
by not coming back from the dead we we have talked about this and you've
seen it and I'm not going to talk too much about it because we have to go through it in First Corinthians chapter 15. uh it talks about corruption must
put on incorruption okay you and I are in a corrupt body we have a corrupt sinful nature when we believe on Christ
we are given a new nature which is Incorruptible and one day we will have our Incorruptible
bodies that will be completed if Jesus did not come back from the dead
he sits in corruption as all of those who have died without Believing on him
do you see how cruel it would be to gather in church and give any kind of hope if we deny the resurrection
there are a whole mainstream branches of Christianity that deny the bodily resurrection of the Lord it would
surprise you look what it says there in verse 11. thou Wilt show me the path of life in
thy presence is fullness of joy at thy right hand there are Pleasures forevermore
so now you can let those go and go back to First Corinthians chapter 15.
and we're going to jump ahead to verses 16 through 21 because we can't go on
without mentioning it so I I hope we'll be able to get through
the rest of this but look what it says in First Corinthians 15 verses 16 through 21 page 12 26 for if the dead
rise not then Christ is not raised if Christ be not raised then your faith is
in vain you remember what it said there in verse 2. unless you have believed in vain okay
how does a person believe in vain tells us right here if Christ be not raised
it's over really it never began ye are yet look at the look at the the
consequences here you are yet in your sin still then they also which are fallen asleep
in Christ are perished and you remember what Paul said in first uh Thessalonians 4 don't worry about
those that are already asleep in Christ they're coming back at this event of the rapture we're actually supposed to
comfort from that knowledge but if the resurrection is not true we're in trouble remember when first
Thessalonians 4 14 says for if ye have believed that Jesus Christ
and specifically the gospel you're gonna come you're gonna go in the
Rapture or the Saints that have already passed they're going to come with them verse 18. then they which are fallen
asleep in Christ are perished if in this life only we have hope in Christ and this is specifically hope in Christ
who has not risen we are of all men most miserable but now
is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept of
those that have died he is the first one to come back in their own power
all the ones that were raised from the dead as Miracles were brought back by
the power of Christ but when Jesus died he came back of his own power because he is God
so continue on there in verse 21 for Since By Man Came Death by man came also
the resurrection of the Dead Jesus was fully God and fully man
the hypostatic union is how that is best understood so go back to First Corinthians 15 and
look there again in verse 3 and 4. for I have delivered unto you first of all
that which I also received this is the first thing he's telling them how that Christ died for our sins according to
the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and you've
seen where the according to the scriptures has happened I want to read to you a quote from a commentary everything in the Christian Life hinges
on the resurrection if the body of Jesus is still on the ground then we have no hope
without belief in the resurrection we have no hope if we do not believe in our minds
without mental reservation that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead then we cannot be saved
you have to understand this the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important part
it's hard to give importance to everything it's all one Collective message but the devil has son he has
done such a good job in splitting these two things well I
believe that Jesus died for my sin but that's not what I'm trusting in to get to heaven
people say that they say that I I remember several months ago now
on a conversation that I have with with the gentleman who called in who was not very happy with a message that I put up
on YouTube that said all a person has to do is believe on the death Beyond resurrection of Jesus Christ to be saved
we talk for three hours and we went back and forth I was pacing up and down and we were talking
different points and I I got him to admit that he believes the starting
point of his salvation is his belief on Christ but he has to complete it
do you see where that's not the gospel you see where he's not trusting in Jesus
Christ fully I don't really like that word fully because then people like to look at your Works to justify if it's
fully listen you can know what a person believes by what they say about Jesus Christ
do you believe that he is enough we'll I'll go back and forth with people in emails on this point there's always
something that people trip up and say basically his shed blood is not enough his resurrection is not enough I gotta
do something and that's a part of the human condition somebody gives you something you want to
give back I understand that but with salvation you can't give anything back
you can't give anything about this that God will say oh this is as good as the shed blood of my son
Louis was talking about that when he was in Sunday school today that the Bible says all of our righteousnesses are as
filthy rags that's what we're presenting to the Lord and saying oh put this on
the same level as the shed blood of your son no
no should not be that way now I'm going to read to you a couple of things here
and uh it's gonna take me a minute to get this loaded up but I I was doing
research and I came across that's funny the first tab I have open here is a Tracker of hurricane Elsa
do you guys remember that yeah I hope no one got any uh bad weather
let's see here um
I don't think I'm connected to the internet let me see
well it looks like they're not they're not sinking properly
just a second here you know I I teach the technology class
here at the college and you would think I'd have it quicker than that but I did find it okay I'm
going to read this to you this is very interesting I'm going to read to you basically what the major world religions say
about Jesus Christ in particular here's Islam okay Jesus was born of a virgin
Jesus was to be revered respected as a matter of fact when you talk to a Muslim
and they use Moses's name they use Muhammad's name they use Abraham's name
they when they use Jesus's name they say it's either I think it's peace be upon him they'll say that phrase
because they do respect those individuals so but but here's where they they trip
up I'm going to read you this part so this is Islam Jesus ascended to heaven and will come again Islam also
acknowledges that Jesus ascended into heaven in bodily form the Quran reports Jesus will come again but as a Muslim
returning to revive Islam and that he will sit beside Allah during the Judgment while Muslims acknowledge the
extension they deny that Christ was crucified that he made a payment for sin on the
cross most simply believe Jesus's death was an illusion so they don't think that he died they
think he just was transformed there was no payment for sin there was no atonement there was no Bloodshed but
yeah he he went to heaven he never died and he's going to come back to be an agent of Islam
is that the Jesus that a person believes in to get saved no that's not Jesus here's uh Judaism Jesus
was Mary's son Jesus was to be respected he was a miracle worker but here's what they say about him on the cross
another important historical claim of the New Testament the crucifixion of Jesus is acknowledged by ancient Jewish
records but they both denied Jesus was resurrected
that's a huge problem because as we've already talked at length if he did not rise again then he
was not able to make that payment for sin they often explain the empty Grave by saying that the gardener removed
Jesus's body you read in Matthew the last couple chapters there is the actual
discussion between the Sadducees and and the the rulers and the elders saying we're going
to Peg you Roman guard to say the disciples stole the body because if he did come back from the dead
then then the error that we crucified him for would be less than him actually coming back from the dead they
understood if he rose from the dead it's over we're wrong they were right
and we lose all our power and that's the prevailing Theory amongst Jewish people today
that body was taken away yeah the tomb is empty because the body was removed
is that the proper understanding of Jesus Christ that brings about everlasting life no
here's Hinduism Jesus was a holy man and a wise teacher Jesus is a God let me read this to you
here Hindus often worship many gods and goddesses and and many as an
understatement it's probably in in the the hundreds of
thousands of different gods it's insane it's insane how the people in Hinduism
are trapped if you ever get a chance when verbal comes uh comes up here for the conference and pray for that I'm
hoping that he's able to come but he is affected by by Hinduism in his uh region there in
Trinidad I I don't I don't Louis I don't think he went with us I think I went with Dr Arnold but we went and drove around and
there there are statues so tall I mean they're the kind that you look up
at him and if you have a fear of heights it's triggered automatically but they're beautiful and they're decorated and
they're very ornate that they believe that can save them so they believe in many gods and
goddesses and some are eager to include Jesus in their list of deities they don't however see Jesus as the only way
to God instead some understand Jesus as the perfect example of self-realization
which is the Hindu goal of Dharma many Hindus see Jesus as a symbol of what
humans can attain but note this here rather than a true historical person
so does the faith in that kind of Jesus bring about everlasting life
no it does not and the last one we'll look at here is Buddhism Jesus was an enlightened man and wise
teacher but most Buddhists respect the teaching of Jesus to a high degree especially his teaching to loving one's
neighbor and the need to demonstrate kindness and forgiveness Jesus is seen as someone who possess the correct
perspective on life and his teaching helped others to embrace the truth while
Jesus is seen as a wise teacher he has seen but not he is seen as nothing more
than a man okay so you have all these different examples here the Buddhism view strips him of any
kind of power to be God and you know from Philippians chapter 2 that he did
not think it to be called uh he did not think it robbery or to grasp to be
called equal with God does the Buddhism view of Jesus produce
everlasting life no if if we're distrusting in a man trust in me
trust in in in in in the worst of mankind it wouldn't matter you have to
be perfect do you see how tricky the devil is
this is why we have to pray for people that are in these different types of World Views it keeps them from
understanding the truth and that's a shame you have to make sure people understand
these things and the intent here is not to make salvation more difficult
it's not to say well do you really you know you go through all these checklists of things
when when I sold into somebody I I make sure they understand that Christ came back from the dead do you believe that
and if they say they believe it buddy they're in they're given that free gift for
everlasting life now look in first Corinthians chapter 15 we're going to go quickly here verses uh verse 5 and on
and that he was seen of cephas Peter then of The Twelve after that he was seen of above this is one of my favorite
verses in the Bible of about 500 Brethren at once
you put that in a court of law today it's enough but this is this is Con this is commonly
ignored he was seen of over 500 Brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto
this present but some are falling asleep even at the time of this writing Paul is saying to this very uh immature group of
Believers in Corinth there are many still alive today that saw him
verse 7 after that he was seen of James then of all the apostles and last of all
he was seen of me also as one born out of due time that basically means that he
was on the very last of it Paul was because remember what Paul did and I'll just let him say uh I mean the scripture
says it perfectly here in verse 9. for I am the least of the Apostles that have
not meant to be called an apostle but he was an apostle he's just saying the things that he did before did not earn
him that title he's given that title by what Jesus had called him to do why did
he feel that he was not meat for that because I persecuted the Church of God and that's putting a bow on it
when we look at what Paul was doing he was pulling people out of homes he was disrupting whatever kind of
organizations that were happening in gatherings in the name of the of Christ resurrected and people were being
imprisoned and many people were losing their lives but the gospel reached him
verse 10 but and I love this phrase but by the grace of God I am what I am
listen the condition that you come to the Lord in is that is exactly how
you're supposed to be if you come to the Lord as a really disciplined good person that's great if
you come to the Lord as a wicked person who has all types of problems as we all are that's fine too God can use you
he used Paul in a Great and Mighty way but by the grace of God I am what I am
and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain it wasn't in vain because Paul believed
that Jesus came back from the dead showing that he made that payment for sin but I labored more abundantly than
they all the laboring does not prove that his belief was in vain he labored
for the gospel not to attain it yet not I but the grace of God which was
with me therefore whether it were I or they so we preached and so ye believed
so I look at this and I I see there's there's probably two groups of people in Corinth right now they were the ones who
were really not believing they did not believe that Christ came back from the dead I don't know if these were people
that had come after Paul was there and because of all the Mayhem
that was going on this was just lost on them I don't know but I say more assuredly that there were believers
who were not teaching the importance of this he's reminding them this is what started
this whole thing I preached unto you first of all the Death burial and resurrection of Christ remember that
teach that verse 12. now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead house uh how say some among you that
there is no resurrection of the Dead that wouldn't be consistent with what was taught
but there if there be no resurrection of the dead then is Christ not risen and if Christ not be risen then our preaching
is in vain and your faith is in vain yea and we are found false Witnesses
remember what was described in Acts 17 31 were Witnesses
or excuse me Acts 2 32 we Are Witnesses of this Resurrection if Christ did not
come back from the dead then were false Witnesses look what it continues to say because we
have testified of God that he raised up Christ whom he raised up not
if so be that the dead rise not so there was a teaching that was going on that hey there's no resurrection of
the Dead this isn't happening sure we've we've believed on Christ but
there's no resurrection of the dead that's a problem that's a major uh theological problem
and the phrase I want you to stick on here is because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ that's the
truth but Paul is is speaking in the vein of if you're saying the resurrection of the Dead is not true
then that statement can't be true we know it is you believed it but it's not
what you're teaching and and this is where I'm we're going to close because we've already read verses
16 through 21. we need to be careful that we don't get caught up in a false
Doctrine after we have trusted Christ commonly this is what happens to many
undisciplined believers I've seen people that have come to this ministry that they are they do not see
the gospel as the main issue and they end up branching off into
really bad Doctrine and I'm not talking about a difference in prophetic views I'm talking about in a difference in
what is required for someone to gain for someone to receive eternal life well it's not just believing you have to
have works or God actually chose us so there's I have heard before there's no point in witnessing if God has already
chosen who's going and who's not going that's a heresy it's a heresy
Believers can get caught up in bad teaching and then promote that teaching
by the things they say and do I love the fact that that we were on the
radio for so long but let me tell you the people who come on before us and the people that come on after us they're not
clear if a person's not clear on the gospel I avoid their Ministry not because I
dislike them but because I'm going to have questions about everything else that they interpret
there are great teachers of Prophecy out there that you and I are probably very familiar with but they're not they get
the prophecy stuff spot on but they can't get the gospel right what's that going to do what does that produce
we have to understand the importance of the death the burial and the resurrection of Christ he died on the
cross for our sins he was buried for the three days that he said he was going to be buried and he rose again on the third
day belief on him is what gives a person eternal life
any other requirement added or any subtraction from that
does not get a person to heaven now I don't want you know I don't want
this to complicate it that is not the point here we need to make sure we are
remembering the importance of the resurrection and that's what we do every April or March wherever it may land for
Resurrection Sunday we we teach the truth we teach about the resurrection
but you see here in these these 21 verses that we covered how the gospel is
defined and also how Paul was used by God even though he was a very Wicked Man
he fought against the Lord boy there's there's I had a chance to sit down with uh
one of the assistant directors for reformers unanimous you guys familiar with that Ministry we had a very thriving reformers
unanimous program here back in 2014 but unfortunately it was wiped out in a week
don't talk about the devil doing damage you're talking about 30 plus people that just stopped coming to church
uh reformers unanimous is one of those Ministries it's recovery addictions uh
Ministry where people do not just simply work steps they get saved
they get a new nature and then they learn how to live a spiritual life
but there are people that come in there that have they're very they're beat up
they're not great people but God can still use them and you know what we're not the best of
people either addictions does not just have to be a substance thing
but look what the resurrection can do for you look what it's done for me look what it does for those people that are out there
and reformers unanimous doing a great work they've now been able to be recognized
as a legitimate um group where you can be where if you
have like community service hours and you need to serve them in a certain place you can do it at a reformers unanimous
I'd love to get an argue Ministry started back up I think that would do great things for people
because a lot of people feel like they can't come to church because well they're in this certain condition I am what I am
just believe look up here this hand represents you and me my wallet represents Cinema put
on top of my hand because we've all sinned God loves us very much it's the sin that he hates because this sin
separates us from him in order to get to heaven to be with him we have to be perfect just like him but we're not we
all have sin and the Bible says very clearly the waiters of sin is death Eternal separation from God forever in a
place called hell no amount of good works if I let this piece of paper represent my good works they cannot
cover my sin they cannot be exchanged for my sin the only thing that will be
accepted is a death payment this hand represents Jesus Christ he was fully
godfully man he was perfect I mean that reverently what is said here is that he
took the Bible says all the sin of the world was laid upon him in his death he was buried and then he
rose again to prove that the payment was made so here's us here's our sin
the sin has already been forgiven so what sends a person to hell they deny
that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life they deny his deathbrown resurrection
they believe just a part of it but then they also put their trust in themselves listen you gotta you gotta believe
fully trust rely on him as a one-time thing that he was killed on uh that he
did die on that cross he was buried and rose again for the payment of your sin the moment you do that a whole list of
things happen most importantly though you pass from Death in the life you never be brought in a condemnation again
the Bible teaches this truth we need to know it we need to know where
we can look and see what the scripture says about the resurrection let's go to the Lord in
prayer has about nicer closed if you're watching online tonight and you have yet
to put your trust in Jesus Christ I want to urge you to do that right where you're sitting uh
watching on the computer screen on your phone wherever that may be you can put your trust in Jesus Christ
his death burial and resurrection and you receive the free gift of everlasting life I want
to encourage you to do that you can write us a comment if you're watching on a sermon audio or Facebook you can click
the button on our website let's go to the Lord in prayer father we thank you for
the scriptures we thank you for Jesus Christ Rising again from the dead father I pray that we can keep the
gospel simple and not let error creep in in Jesus name we pray amen if you
enjoyed today's episode of Bible Lane make sure to subscribe to the channel and share this video with a friend do
you have a Bible question send us an email questions at and we'll do our
best to get you an answer or you can leave your question in the comments of this video be sure to check the links in
the description for more clear Bible teaching Bible in his and Ministry of Calvary Community Church located in
Tampa Florida
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