Eating Disorder to Healthy Self-Love (The "Binge-Starve" Problem)

1 year ago

My eating disorder recovery journey. Overcoming an eating disorder and becoming healthy by finding freedom through radical self-love and spirituality. Through my experience of binge eating, anorexia, purging, and depression, I learned important lessons about self-acceptance, self-care, and healthy living. Join me as I discuss the two forces I used to overcome my eating disorder. Whether you're currently struggling with an eating disorder or simply looking for inspiration to live a more fulfilling life, this video is for you.


Time stamps:
0:00-0:54 The "Food Relationship"
0:54-2:09 Unhealthy Weight Loss
2:09-2:46 The US Eating Disorder Funnel
2:46-3:31 A Rock Bottom Moment...
3:31-4:13 The Night It All Changed
4:13-5:26 The Two Keys
5:26-5:52 Laugh With Your Pain

#eatingdisorder #higherself #spirituality #selflovepractices #anorexia #bulimia #eatingdisorderrecovery #mukbang #bingecravings

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