Easter, Palm Sunday, good Friday, are all pagan holidays

1 year ago

So many so called pastors and church going people will be celebrating a pagan holiday called Ishtar of sex , nimrod was a wicked man and lived in Iraq or Babylon he created the tower of babel and married semeraias and called her Ishtar or isis in Egypt, he died and she grieved for him and their son Tammuz was born on December 25, palm Sunday is when Tammuz went into Babylon, 40 days of lent was taken from the 40 days of crying for Tammuz or nimrod, eggs that are dyed they killed babies and used their blood to dye eggs with, sunrise services were to great the queen of heaven Ishtar!! Goddess of sex , God hates Easter and those who keep it make Him angry, these people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me, do not forsake the Lord your God who has brought you out of Egypt and do not go after pagan practices around you that worship Baal, Ishtar, Molech and sacrifice their children to idols for I the Lord will destroy those who forsake Me and go after pagan practices around you, churches do that today, they have that Easter pagan junk , egg hunts, sunrise services, ham, hot cross buns, they dress up in their Easter garbage clothes to honor Ishtar queen of heaven of sex, they take their kids to see the Easter bunny and lie to them and say oh Santa came or the Easter bunny, don't forget that Catholics persercuted Christians and burned them on the stake in the middle ages, they forbid anyone write or read the Bible at all and killed anyone who did, the puritans killed native Americans and women in the Salem witch trails over 4 girls lying, religion kills people, steals from people, demands you go to mecca or a building all the time, Jesus was betrayed on Tuesday night and crucified on Wednesday then died and rose on Saturday, He is the final Passover Lamb not a Easter pagan moon goddess of sex ham, God hates Easter and all those keeping this pagan holiday are worshipping Satan period, just pray to Buddha next or Allah or Shiva, you worship Ishtar, Molech, Tammuz and Baal, the pagan cultures oh the Canaanites, amorites, Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Babylonians all kept Ishtar, Daniel and his friends refused to eat pork, Jesus celebrated Passover not that Easter junk with His apostles one last time, the early Christians suffered persercution and did not keep Easter, good Friday, sunrise services, egg hunts, getting up at dawn for sunrise services, dressing up in Easter junk dresses, eating gross food, doing 40 days of lent, Christmas, Christmas Eve, mother and father day, nope they did not keep pagan holidays at all and Paul even told them get rid of your pagan practices you keep get rid of them and sexually immorality!! Corinth brought in their Greek practices in the church and Paul said no stop worshiping pagan idols and sleeping around with each other!! Get rid of that stuff, there are no pagan holidays in heaven at all, no Easter, good Friday, palm Sunday, egg hunts, sunrise services, dying eggs, hot cross buns, Easter bunny, mother and father day, Christmas Eve Christmas day, nope none of that pagan holidays are in heaven at all, God has no need for anyone who loves pagan holidays to enter heaven at all, if you love Me you will keep my commandments! Jesus hates hates the lukewarm phony dead church going crowd and pastors, you are neither hot nor cold but Lukewarm! You say we are rich we lack for nothing but fact is you are wretched, pitiful, blind, naked and shameful, Jesus will spit all those who are lukewarm out of His mouth and that is not heaven they go to but hell, God can't be mocked and Jesus died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday not Friday to Sunday, leave the dead apostate churches now!! They are dens of Satan period, you can't serve God and Satan it doesn't work that way, if you love Easter so much and love celebrating a pagan moon goddess of sex then do it but God will not hear your fake prayers you say at all, nope He will not listen to pagans at all, didn't in the old testament days and inored the Israelites who worshipped Baal, Ishtar, Molech, Tammuz, He destroyed jersalem many times, Babylon destroyed the temple under King zedikiah and many were killed and taken to Babylon, the Romans did to in ad 70, they killed all the Jews and destroyed the temple down, and persercuted those who followed Jesus, Stephen was stoned to death, James was beheaded, Paul beheaded, Thomas killed in India, Peter crucified upside down, Andrew crucified on a x cross, only John survived and wrote revelation which we are in, the church age ends when the trumpet sounds and all the phony so called pastors and church going crowd will all be left behind, they will have to decide between Jesus or the antichrist, all the churches will be gone, bibles destroyed, crosses burned, antichrist has no need for that at all

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