Whistleblower Report - 3.14.2023 - Died Suddenly at 30,000ft

1 year ago

A British Airways Pilot “COLLAPSES DEAD,” reported by The Sun in a hotel foyer leaving for the airport to captain an Airbus A321 fully loaded passenger jet from Cairo to London’s Heathrow Airport, but had a “HEART ATTACK.” Colleagues attempted CPR but were unable to revive him.

Imagine the catastrophe for passengers if he had suffered this sudden cardiac death at a cruise altitude of 30,000 ft. Passengers on the flight to London were never told the reason for the long delay in their scheduled departure.

This is now the second such major incident of a pilot collapsing with a heart attack this month. The first officer of a Virgin Australia regional flight from Adelaide to Perth reportedly became incapacitated after suffering a heart attack 30 minutes into the flight, according to an incident report by The Aviation Herald.

How many close calls is it going to take for the elephant in the room (pilots suffering COVID-19 vaccine cardiac injuries) to finally be addressed?


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