The Battle Cats - ZL02: Furthest Point of Spacetime / 時空の最果て!!

1 year ago

So we finally got first taste of Zero Legend stages. This subchapter set an expectation of what Zero Legend will be: event enemy. Yes, from now and on, this saga will use all kind of event enemy: Cyclone, Story Boss, Advent Boss, Monthly enemy, and possibly Baron Boss. It's nice since event enemy tend to be more complex than regular enemy and they might create more interesting stage synergy. As exchange of this new additional, the enemy stats magnification is not increased. It will be as strong as late of UL stage. Phew....


00:00 - Laws of Universe Broken / 宇宙の法則が乱れた
Cat God with Angel/Aku spam. That's all. You just need to play defensively until all Gory is depleted. 150% Cat God doesn't do anything threatening here.

Recommended Uber/Legend Rare:
1. Rusher unit. Ex: Yukimura, Dracula Yukimura, Saber Alter, Thunder Jack, etc


02:29 - Horizon of Zero / ゼロの地平線
Attack of Quadruple Bears. The lineup look crazy, but they are just for show. The real danger on this level is Reynard. He punish you whenever you knock the bear and occasionally snipe your stack with his Surge. It's frustrating when playing this stage with him being around.

The counter-play? Rush Reynard. Use some LD attacker like Naala or Doron. Thankfully, Reynard is the boss here so he can't go inside his base to escape. Iron Wall is also useful to contain everyone inside the enemy base. Once Reynard is gone for good, the stage is stripped down to simple backline stage.

If you have difficulty with Wild Doge spam, you can stall and wait until you kill all Wild Doge during the preparation phase. There are 20 of them.

Recommended Uber/Legend Rare:
1. Fast LD Attacker (for rushing down Reynard). Ex: Ganglion, Hayabusa, Erphuan, Eva02, Kasli, etc
2. Backliner with Zombie Killer or Shield Break. Ex: Cyclops, Southern Sunflare, Furilga, Amaterasu, Reika, Ragnarok, etc


04:41 - Sunset Hadron / 夕焼けのハドロン
Alpacky+Nimoy stages with several Alien/Zombie peons. It looks simple since all you to do is subdue Nimoy with Crowd Control and ambush any burrowing Zombies. But here the problem: Zrollow. If it caught you off guard, it will wipe out all of your stack and leave you on defenseless state. That's why you need to stack a lot of Wave/LD attacker to create spike wall to repel any incoming Zrollow. Of course even with this preparation, it still can't protect you completely from Zrollow. So I made some safety net plan:
1. Using Slow Beam to halt Zrollow movement and give enough time for your team to eliminate it
2. Psychocat. He has high range. So when the worst happens, he should be safe from Zrollow's attack and hold Nimoy until you recover your defense.

Recommended Uber/Legend Rare:
1. LD/Wave Attacker. Ex: Gravicci, Ganesha, Aphrodite, Myrcia, Li'l Valkyrie Dark, etc
2. Anti-Alien Crowd Control. KB is not recommended. Ex: Volta, Blizana, Terun, Akira, etc


06:31 - Theory of Catativity / ネコ対性理論
White Cylone and Othom. It's infernal Tower 26 all over again. W-Cyclone acts as unstoppable shredding machine while Othom will disable most of your anti-Floating CC. This stage is made to incite Jojo Cat usage. But you know what? You can still rushdown Othom. Same old song. Lure the moth and freeze it with Doron. And that's all. Whole concept is gone.

Recommended Uber/Legend Rare:
1. Anti-Floating unit. Ex: Windy, Coppermine, Lucifer, Ramiel Cat, etc


07:29 - Proton, Neutron, and Houston / 陽子と中性子と悦子
Uh, it's remake of that Cube Enigma stage. Scissorex and Metal enemy. The difference is metal enemy here is more unforgiving than in the original. But the strategy still remains same. Spam critter and your strongest Behemoth Slayer unit. That's all.

Recommended Uber/Legend Rare:
1. Critter unit with good HP. Ex: Paladin, Hearscht
2. Anti-Alien tanker. Ex: Pixies units, Thunder Jack, Saki, Cat Machine, etc
3. Super Backliner unit. Ex: Luffalan, Balaluga, Cosmo, Phonoa, etc


08:26 - Neutrino Snowfield / ニュートリノ異雪原
Whoa, new enemy: Li'l W-Cyclone! It doesn't have distinctive features. Just W-Cyclone got compressed into small size. It drops quite a lot of monet, doe.

Another simple stage. Hannya with peons spam. You just need to survive all Li'l W-Cyclone wave, which is not difficult. Once you pass three of them, it's free victory.

Recommended Uber/Legend Rare:
1. Weaken Immune unit. Ex: Kuu, Pai-Pai, Balrog, Lasvoss, etc
2. Anti-Red Tanker. Ex: Cat Machine, Rury, King Garu, etc

The Battle Cats - ZL02: Furthest Point of Spacetime / 時空の最果て!!
Music used:

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