Dr. Shetreat - Exploring the Power of Master Plants & Psychedelics | The Nathan Crane Podcast Ep 08

1 year ago

In today's video, we sit down with Maya Shetreat. Maya Shetreat, MD is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and author of The Dirt Cure which has been translated into 10 languages. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more. Dr. Maya is the founder of the Terrain Institute, where she teaches earth-based programs for transformational healing, including professional training programs for psychedelic-assisted approaches. She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers from around the world, and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing, and the sacred.

Your host, Nathan Crane, is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Cancer-Health Researcher and Educator, and 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker with Over 15 Years in the Health Field.

Today's podcast is focused on diving deeper into the realm of psychedelics, master plants, and more. Visit The Nathan Crane Podcast on YouTube to watch the full podcast!

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Connect with Nathan Crane!

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Websites: https://nathancrane.com/

Check out our guest Dr. Maya Shetreat on Social Media!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmayashetreat/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drmayashetreat
Website: https://drmaya.com/

#Holistic #Holisticmedicine #Psychedelics #Earthing #Vaccines #Meditation #PreventingCancer #TheDirtCure #Weightlifting #TheNathanCranePodcast #NathanCranePodcast

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