Complete Creation Workshop Walkthrough Guide

1 year ago

Enjoy this in depth walk-through of the open source software creation workshop. It is long I know, but I hope you find it helpful. If something is unclear bring it up in the comments and I'll do my best to clear it up.

I made this tutorial based around using the software to control an SLA/DLP Resin Printer. I use the Draken printer by 3D Facture. A DLP printer uses UV light to cure photosensitive resin. Because an
entire layer can be cured at once these printers tend to be very fast if you use large layer sizes. That being said, using smaller layer sizes will increase the number of layers and consequently increasing build time.

To learn about setting up a model and creating more advanced supports check out my video on model preparation here:

(the 3D Facture site started undergoing updates between recording this video and uploading it, so if my links don't work let me know and I'll update them)
Draken User Manual:
Creation Workshop:https:
Creation Workshop Host:
Creation Workshop User Manual:

Use "newcustomer10_G" coupon code to get 10% off of a new Draken 3D Printer!!!!
3DFacture Store is located here:

Check out my FB page:

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