Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 5 Sub

1 year ago

Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye tells Edward and Alphonse that both Tucker and the chimera have been killed. In the mean time, back in Liore, Lust and Gluttony endeavor to cause a rebellion utilizing the faith of local people, with Envy using his shape-shifting powers to camouflage himself as Cornello. Back at East City, as Edward and Alphonse dwell on their limits in alchemy, they are violently attacked by Scar. They rapidly retreat until they are cornered and are compelled to guard themselves, bringing about Scar harming Alphonse's body and afterward obliterating Edward's right arm. The state alchemists arrive right when Scar plans to end Edward. Mustang, unable to defeat Scar, is saved by Hawkeye, who reminds him that his fire alchemy is pointless in the downpour. At the point when Armstrong shows up and fights Scar, it is uncovered that the man is an Ishvalan. Outnumbered by the enemy, Scar figures out how to escape into the sewers, and Mustang informs the Elric brothers about the Ishval civil war. Edward and Alphonse choose to go travelling to Resembool to fix their bodies.

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