Your questions answered live: The pros and cons of a tracheostomy in intensive care

1 year ago

Your questions answered live: The pros and cons of a tracheostomy in intensive care!

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from INTENSIVECAREHOTLINE.COM where we instantly improve the lives for Families of critically ill Patients in Intensive Care, so that you can make informed decisions, have PEACE OF MIND, real power, real control and so that you can influence decision making fast, even if you’re not a doctor or a nurse in Intensive Care!

This is another episode of “YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED“ and in last week’s episode I answered another question from our readers and the question was

What is the Survival Chance of My Dad with Kidney Failure & on a Ventilator in ICU?

You can check out last week’s question by clicking on the link here.

In this week’s episode of “YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED”, I am here with a live stream today, where I want to answer your questions if you have a loved one in intensive care. And this is one of the most commonly asked questions for families in intensive care and it’s a question that we get all time. And today’s live stream is about the pros and cons of a tracheostomy in intensive care.

Your Questions Answered Live: The Pros and Cons of a Tracheostomy in Intensive Care

Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from and I want to welcome you to the live stream today. I can see that there’s some people here already. I want to welcome you to this live stream. And today I want to talk about the pros and cons of a tracheostomy in intensive care.

So let’s dive right into it because I’m sure that’s what you want to know while you’re here on this live stream. If you have any questions, please type them into the chat part, and we can get onto those questions. But let me just start about the topic in particular, again, the pros and cons of a tracheostomy in intensive care.

So a lot of families come to us here at and they want to ask, well, should we be consenting to a tracheostomy in intensive care or should we not be...


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