1 year ago

A LIST OF WORDS YOU ARE USING INCORRECTLY, and the correct usage in parentheses.
Main Stream Media (PRAVDA)
Karen (LaQuanda)
Rainbow (God's covenant there would be no more floods)
squatters (burglars who won't leave)
transgender (weirdo)
homeless people (bums)
Gay (homosexual)
pro-choice (pro-death)
democrat (totalitarian)
democratic party (enslavement party)
JUDICIAL SYSTEM (injustice system)
party of peace (party of nord-stream sabotage, WW3 and slavery)
blue states (communist red states)
progressive (regressive)
liberal (illiberal)
diversity (hive mind biological robots)
inclusive (exclusionary)
peaceful protest (insurrection)
affirmative action (unconstitutional quotas)
gender (anti-science biology)
reproductive rights (child-killers)
insurrectionist (defender of the constitution)
toxic masculinity (refusing to be a victim)
white fragility (anti-racist)
feminist (anti-male)
ANTIFA (the return of Hitler's brown-shirts)
BLACK LIVES MATTER (anti-family Marxists)
Woke (in a coma)
why can't we all get along (why can't everyone accept their leftist slave-master)
bi-partisan (making republicans your bitch)
mansplaining (trying to help a dumb person)
accountability (leftist persecuting the right)
fairness (unfairness)
science (political science)
birthing person (fictional humanoid)
sponge-worthy (amazon hair-lip creature)
Obama-care (death plan)
fair share (thieving hypocrite)
citizen (illegal alien)
president (dictator)

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