1 year ago

Dolores has a thought-provoking conversation with Karen Cowan! Karen is an attorney living in Mid-City San Diego with her husband and son. She graduated from Grossmont High School, attended UCSD and transferred to Fordham University graduating with a BA degree in Philosophy before attending California Western School of Law. She was a Worker’s Compensation attorney until 2016. Karen Homeschooled her elementary age son and has now pivoted to assist Children’s Health Defense develop a nationwide Workers Compensation program to bring information to workers injured by employer mandated jabs. See the following links for info www.ChildrensHealthDefense.org and www.React19.org

I Want To Thank My Sponsors:
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* If you are a leader, professional, or entrepreneur who is feeling frustrated or anxious because you are not performing at the level that you know you are capable of, then Unlock Your Life Today and get your complimentary Strategy Session with Coach Kim at UnlockYourLifeCoach.com.

Contact Dolores at dwsviewstandup@gmail.com

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