Mere Christianity: The Patriot

1 year ago

Today, we’ll take a look at the movie, The Patriot, starring Mel Gibson as Benjamin Martin, is the story of a man with a violent past who has renounced war in order to raise his seven children. In one scene, Martin is challenged to behave according to his principles. The Colonial Commander, played by Chris Cooper, says: “If your principles dictate independence, then war is the only way. It has come to that.” In the end, even though he attempts to have peace with the British, his family is at risk. When the war becomes personal, and his son Thomas is killed, then and only then does he go to war. We’ll consider a question prompted from C.S. Lewis’ book, Mere Christianity by asking: When confronted with choosing between personal loss vs. following Jesus, will we quote Joshua and say: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord?"
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