@JohnnyVedmore & The Audit Where The Guy Dies - Queen St Cardiff #AuditEverything #FungiMonkey

1 year ago

After a few hours auditing police stations, @JohnnyVedmore stumbled across a police officer giving poor first aid. Within 15 minutes there were 12 more police officers and the guy who was being treated had died, by that I mean apparently stopped breathing on his own, and was in need of being resuscitated via chest compressions and defibs.

The police failed to put the guy in the recovery position, left his head between two metal poles, placed him.om a slope and made a multitude of other errors.

It must be taken into account that filming the police in a public place is a legal activity. That's regardless of what is happening. To keep our rights, we must use those rights regularly without fear or favour.

By the medical treatment he eventually receives its clear that this man's heart stopped. He has to be brought back to life. I haven't yet been able to ascertain whether they successfully brought him back. I will do my best to find out what happened to the guy.

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