cmv: people who are pro-life should also support mandatory organ donation #prolife #prochoice

1 year ago

cmv: people who are pro-life should also support mandatory organ donation
There are so many CMVs that follow this exact pattern. *If you believe x, you must also believe y*, where both x and y are reduced to a single overlapping dimension and we’re all supposed to play pretend that one dimension encapsulates people’s points of view accurately. Just no.
A key difference between organ donation and abortion is the intervening action being taken. In both cases, you are going against what would occur naturally. There’s a difference between saying you should not be allowed to take a life and you should have to save a life. Just like laws make it illegal to murder someone, but not illegal to not save someone.
By not donating my organ to someone in need, I an not killing them (meaning, I am not the cause of their death). So the analogy doesn’t quite line up with abortion.
I think this misses the point that most "pro-life" people simply don't argue in good faith and that there's no gotcha argument that will sway them. They don't care and no matter how many of these things people post, they won't change 99% of the time. They'll always find an exception for themselves and some way to say that their case was different.
I’m pro-choice too.But for the love of God, could we stop with the incessant takes of “if you’re pro-life, you also have to support…”Jesus Christ, the only difference is they think an unborn baby’s rights outweigh a mother’s right to choose to carry it. And they come to this conclusion for all sorts of reasons. They’re not a monolith.
somebody else right (the unborn child) to surviveThe right is to not be murdered. A person not donating an organ to another is not murder.
One is causing death, whereas the other is refusing to save life.
I think it's unethical to force someone to keep a child just because you don't want them to terminate it. I also think it's unethical to take the organs of someone who chose not to donate their organs to save another life. Who are we to push our decisions on other people? Why should we have power over someone else's autonomy?
Respectfully, no. Don’t give them any ideas. They should butt out of everyone’s business but their own.
An interesting similarity between a fetus and a dead person is that they both are not aware of their existence, and thus do not have the capacity to care about their fate. I think that should be the basis of the argument of mandatory organ donation. A dead person is not aware of their existence, and therefore would not care if their organs were donated.
I agree, mostly. If women are required to use their bodies to keep a potential baby alive, the father should have to be an automatic donor. Any organ or tissue that can be taken from a live donor should be available to their offspring at any point the offspring needs it. And, they become automatic donors upon death.
I'm an organ transplant recipient and I think organ donation should be OPT-OUT and not opt-in as it currently is. Thousands die every year waiting for an organ.
You should also not be able to get an organ donated to you, unless you were an organ donator before you needed an organ.
and social programs like free school lunches, SNAP, child healthcare, free/affordable education, birth control, etc etc etc etc. But they don’t, so here we are.
While they are still alive! Seriously. If they believe that a woman should have no choice but to let another human use her body to stay alive, that goes for the pro-lifers as well.If someone needs a kidney to live, then the pro-lifer is obligated to donate theirs to keep the other person alive.
I think that the primary problem with your argument is that the term "pro life" does not mean "for the preservation or promotion of life". "Pro choice" is also a misleading term. More meaningful labels would be "against abortion" and "abortion by choice". So no, you are wrong if you use broad terms like "pro life".
This is like saying people who are pro choice should also support the right to pass in the left lane...Honestly, anything related to abortion just for upvotes. This argument is a waste of air, and we are all dumber for having been here.
They should actually support forced organ donation, to be consistent. If there’s a child who needs a new kidney and you are the only match in the world, well you should be forced to donate. That’s their justification for forced birth; the life of the child supersedes the rights of the parent or organ donor. Someone explain to me the difference.
Did the organ donor cause the person needing the organ donation to need the organ?Did the mother cause the fetus to be conceived?
Pregnant person is absolutely free to make decisions about her body. The thing is a fetus isn’t her body. And how you connected that organ thing? So

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