GURPS Newbies One Shot Adventure playthrough, session 3

1 year ago

YAGP : Yet Another GURPS playthough, part 3! With a twist... I give a "director" commentary throughout the video to discuss what I am thinking, background information, or where I make mistakes.

Hopefully it will be fun and informative.

My full combat cheat sheet:

Here are the modules I have loaded / and the reasons
About Face / show facing indicator for portrait tokens
Chat Portrait / Shows character pics in chat to show origin
Combat Booster: Turn marker... / Shows turn marker for active and on-deck characters
Compendium Folders / Allows folder organization for compendiums
Dice so nice / dice!!!
Drag Ruler / Show movement as green, yellow and red hexed based on character movement
FXMaster / Required if you use the /anim chat command
GM Notes / Adds a GM-only note page for any sheet (character, item, etc.)
Illandrill's Token HUD scaler / makes the status icons larger, easier to select
JB2A (free or patreon) / animation webms
Monks Active Tile Triggers / if you want to automatically do stuff when tokens move into spaces (and much much more)
Ownership Viewer / shows foundry ownership as a colored icon
PopOut! / Allows windows outside of the main browser window
Sequencer / If you want to program your own animations
Smart Target / change the targeting icon
Splatter / show blood splatter when tokens take damage
Token Action HUD / a MUST have to quickly execute stuff on char sheet
Token Tooltip Alt / used with config file from the GGA Users Guide, gives more information on tokens

I have a youtube playlist of "how to's" for the GURPS Game Aid:
Some of the information is old... but still usable.

If you want to learn more, visit:

Or watch the Learning GURPS playlist:

If you like this content, and would like to help me make more: or

GURPS Discord server:

GURPS (Steve Jackson Games):
GURPS Character Sheet (GCS):
GURPS Game Aid for Foundry VTT:
GURPS Game Aid Users Guide:
GURPS Game Aid "How To" playlist:

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