Trump: “(Putin) is going to take over all of Ukraine.”

1 year ago

Trump: “(Putin) is going to take over all of Ukraine.”
This confirms our Trump analysis (partially) in which Trump actually says that he would have split Ukraine with Putin but since he is no longer president Putin will give nothing back and just take all of Ukraine. Partially because whatever control USA would have had in Ukraine under Trump, Putin would have eventually get that too because whatever USA troops would have been in Ukraine they wouldnt have been under NATO protection. Also NATO cant just incorporate a teritory, lets say the West of Ukraine, it has to be a full state. And Either Way the Western Ukraine would have never been recognised as a state by anyone, including the Ukranian exile government. Eventually those teritories not being under NATO umbrella, they would have quickly fallen under Putins rule in 1, 2 years. Which means Trump wouldnt have solved anything but would have sold Ukraine and destabilise an entire region. Trump would have sold out Ukraine, a sovereign state.

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