My life threatened, Dirty Cops and Bylaw, Break In attempts and more

1 year ago

I have been actively targeted for a few years now, but especially in the past year, since trying to get help when my life has been repeatedly threatened and people are getting away with it.
20 Nov 2020, a man attempted to drive me off the road I spoke about this on social media and have witnesses.
People stalking, harassing and threatening me, known to cops for over 2 years now and they have done NOTHING yet, not even look at the videos I have shared online, or the photos. No witness statements asked for. They did not remove fire arms from multiple people who are armed and threatened me, on the record. I wrote a 9 page report last year and it went NOWHERE., and not only charges should have been pressed, restraining orders in place and more and instead I was told I should move, by a detective, and I have tried for over a year actively and my home was damaged in the process.
2 close friends had their new build, homes in Stittsville burn down, 20 January 2022, and 10 October 2022. My Nephew and Ex were both also driven off road, less than 2 years ago, and then this past November 2022.
People in blacked out window vehicles following me and parking where I park my vehicle, including the trucks I shared on Instagram, and a white 4 door Audi a few weeks ago.
Footprints on my back step in a gated yard, 11 Feb 2023. Who does the boot print belong to? I have it posted in Instagram.
23 December 2022, they blasted their vehicles late all day, when they knew it was also a significant day for me as a veteran who lost someone in battle on that day and carried his medal and beret during a ramp ceremony Christmas day.
The men record me in my home, peed multiple times on my fence, tried sleeping with me, as mentioned, tried breaking in, 27 September 2021 and circled my block for over 2 hours and more. This is on the record, as n cops called, and report made. I also posted on Twitter and Instagram on the 28th September 2021.
I have tried Bylaw, Cops, Glen Gower (our Mayor), 911, The Heritage Cabinet Minister, OPS Veterans Affairs Canada and multiple others for help and no one has yet. It is a shame because my home was always a safe house for veterans and first responder types before this. Once I finally move, I will be back on track with life again and will try and heal from the chronic torutre, threats, going to my gyms, trails, trying to break in my home, when I have had to move over 19 times before because of men who have victimized me. I am in a very risky, high stress career, and have been chronically triggered. Loud, excessive noise before 7am, passed 7pm, in the suburbs, where people were forced to endure this for over 4 years in a 200 meter radius. Explosions and blasts were also done for 4 years non stop, caused me to have a miscarriage in June 2019, and I have recordings of them blasting meters away from me and my animals and babies, no protection for us, no fence or trees in between and hundreds of homes back on the Heritage site that they destroyed for outside countries to colonize. I was/am a wellness coach, and competitor, and there are people who stalk me at my gym and have admitted it. As a woman, and Infantry Officer Veteran with Complex PTSD, I have been forced out, to flee my own home, and I am not alone. But hey, all I need to do is cancel my Disney plus that I don't have.

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