TRI - 4/3/2023 - Reddit Rant - MTG SHOULD be Platformed…Here is Why.

1 year ago

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene has clearly said some kooky stuff over the years. That’s something for which she should be held to account. The most logical way to do that is to bring her on to a mainstream platform for an interview and then present her kookiness and ask her to defend it.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Now, on the whole, I actually like MTG and I think it’s good to get fresh voices into the Congress to shake up the status quo. I think she’s a little too eager to jump on conspiracy theories, but we all say and think foolish things from time to time. But whether I like her or not, I must state unequivocally that calls to shame Leslie Stahl for ‘platforming’ MTG are evil and dangerous.

If you’re afraid to bring a kooky fringe thinker into the scrutiny of mainstream views, it means that you don’t think your narrative can withstand the challenge from the fringe thinker. If that’s the case then you’ve run far afield from objective reality and that will inevitably end in disaster.

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