Make Financial Freedom Yours - Find Out How!

1 year ago

Becoming Financially Abundant and Free

I am Iain Clifford, and I want to show you the easy way to become financially abundant and stay that way

If you want to stay in the rat race struggling to make ends meet, switch this video off

If you think working for a living, trading the markets, running an online business, or any other business is the key to wealth, switch this video off

Still, watching? Good as this video is a game changer

You are probably unaware of the three problems that prevent you from joining the super-rich

1) You, like most others, operate as a debtor instead of a creditor

2) You, like most others, believe you own the equity in your assets, like your house, car and business; you don't; the state does

3) You, like most others, believe that becoming rich is linked to the success of your job or business or some other exchange of your labour, it’s not

I have developed a three-step financial abundance program that you have probably never seen before

It took me nearly forty years to learn how to do this; I wish I had known this forty years ago, as my life would have turned out very differently had I known before

You can read or listen to my backstory via The Freedom Chronicles; those that review it say it’s a page-turner

For most of my forty years in commerce, I was operating as the debtor until I found out how to play as the creditor, and then it all changed

I used to be a money manager, and by 2008, I had created one of the most successful wealth and fund management businesses in the UK

It took me over twenty years to build this business, valued at its peak at £120m

In 2008 my business was destroyed; you can read about how and why in the Freedom Chronicles

It took me a further ten years to recover, and during this period, I discovered how to operate as a creditor and become financially abundant

And now, I want to share the Greatest Secret with you; it's a breakthrough that you have probably never heard of before

You see, the wealthiest people in the world don't work for a living

They know how the world of commerce works

In 1913 Edward Mandlehouse said to president Woodrow Wilson "only one in a million will figure the commerce game out"

Einstein said, "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then, you have to play better than anyone else"

The problem is you, and everyone else are programmed to play the game as debtors

When you know the rules, you can quickly start playing the game as a creditor and become financially abundant

My three-step program facilitates your path to financial abundance without working, trading the markets, investing in real estate, running an online business or applying your labour

What I reveal will astonish you

See what others are saying by visiting my testimonials website at and see for yourself

I can't explain it all in this video as to enable you to fully comprehend how to transition from the debtor to the creditor needs a structured presentation

I want you to make time for me to present my three-stage financial abundance program to you via my award-winning webinar or, if you prefer, via my live presentation; I promise you won't regret attending either or both

If you want to proceed with my three-stage program, I have built a specialist team to put it all together for you

You may be thinking, why do I need to do this? Shorley, if I am financially abundant, why do I need to present my financial abundance program to you

The answer is that financial abundance without freedom is not enough. I need you and hundreds of thousands of others to come together within the world's biggest freedom community; you can review the community at

I am so confident that you will love what I will reveal

To take the risk of wasting your time away, I will pay you £1,000 for your time if you do not like my financial abundance program and can prove to me that it won't work for you

Click the link below to book your webinar or live presentation seat

I get excellent testimonials; see them here


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