Palm Sunday thru Revelation ... God's Perfectness

1 year ago

There are numerous prophetic accounts of the Last Days, the end of times, the tribulation … found all through our Bibles. Even Jesus … spoke about the Last Days and the great tribulation in Matthew 24.

What I find amazing about Matthew 24 is that only 3 chapters earlier in Matthew 21, Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
On that first Palm Sunday …. Jesus fulfilled prophesy … when He rode into Jerusalem …
I am here today to tell you … that prophesy will be fulfilled AGAIN … In this planet’s last days … when … He comes again … bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
God keeps His word. We have example after example of Him doing that throughout our Bibles, but He will be keeping His Word as to His returning also, and its about to happen SOON.

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