Trump Says 'US Dead' as Regime Indicts Him

1 year ago

** Starts at 03:47 **

Turns out Trump wasn't wrong when he said, two weeks ago, "they're coming after me..." But the regime can't seriously believe that he will go to prison over a payment he made to a (literal) whore 7 years ago, can they?!

Also on this NewsReal, Joe & Niall look back on a week that included:

A mass shooting at a school in Nashville by a crazed 'transgender' woman; the filing of bi-partisan legislation (the 'Restrict Act') that would block Americans from accessing information from 'unapproved sources' (upon pain of 20 years' imprisonment); notable developments in the ongoing 'de-dollarization' of international trade; the US piling pressure on Pakistan to 'terminate' its democratically-elected leader Imran Khan; the US VP's 'charm offensive' tour of African states; what looks like another US State Department color revolution (in Israel of all places!); and a daunting report on the falling average age of life expectancy in the US.

It's ugly stuff, but that's what happens at the End of Empire...

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