After supporting conservative congressman Nikolas Ferreira

1 year ago

After supporting conservative congressman Nikolas Ferreira, LGBT man is threatened with death by gay Brazilian leftists

By Cristyan Costa

“Friend, I know that because you are fat, faggot, ugly, and still effeminate, it makes you have no validations, right?” posted one person.

The LGBT makeup artist Claudio Makeup, as he is known on social networks, reported death threats to him and his family on Tuesday, Mar. 14, after speaking out in favor of the rising star of the Brazilian conservatives, federal deputy Nikolas Ferreira (PL, right).

According to Cláudio, the threats are from leftist gays.

In a video posted on social networks, Cláudio shows prints that he made of intimidating and prejudiced posts.

“Sometimes homophobia is necessary,” wrote an internet user whose profile does not show the user’s real name.

“Friend, I know that because you are fat, faggot, ugly, and still effeminate, it makes you have no validations, right?” posted another person.

“Ouch, you look for other ways, like agreeing with people like Nikolas Ferreira. I feel sorry for you.”

“You have no character whatsoever to complain when you suffer homophobia,” Claudio retorted.

“The number one agenda of the left is to accuse people of what they are. You have the same attitudes that you say we, on the right, have. No one from the right has ever attacked me.”

According to the man, one of the attacks came from a co-worker, and the company was notified.

Cláudio also said he had taken down the names of profiles of LGBT people and comments on social networks that attacked him for defending Nikolas Ferreira to take appropriate measures.

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