COVID-19 and ARDS- proning vs ECMO therapy which is more preferred? Live stream!

1 year ago

COVID-19 and ARDS- proning vs ECMO therapy which is more preferred? Live stream!

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Welcome to another live stream of Today’s topic is around, “COVID-19 ECMO versus proning, which option is preferred for ARDS, for COVID ARDS.”

My name is Patrik Hutzel and I’m a critical care nurse consultant and advocate for families in intensive care. You may wonder what makes me qualified talking about this topic. I’ve worked in intensive care as a critical care for over 20 years in three different countries. I have worked as a nurse unit manager for over 5 years in intensive care. I also run an organization called Intensive Care at Home, where we look after predominantly long-term intensive care patients. I have been consulting and advocating for families in intensive care all around the world for over 8 years now. Talking to families in intensive care, every day, again, all over the world.

So, let’s dive right into today’s topic, “When should proning be used versus ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) in COVID-19 ARDS?”, but even in other ARDS patients, when should proning be used versus ECMO? So, I’ll give you a little bit of background here so that you can understand what I’m saying.

My very first ICU was actually in 1999, that was in the last century, last millennium, even. I started out in intensive care in 1999, at the end of 1999. I do remember clearly, we had ARDS patients then, and there was no ECMO at that stage. We were proning patients for ARDS, and that seemed to be effective. Most of the time, you were putting patients on their tummy, head down, that was draining out secretions from the lungs. It was easier to expand lungs, to get air in. If patients are on their back all the time, it’s very difficult for the lungs to expand. Therefore, it was difficult to cure pneumonia, ARDS, and so forth.


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