God will Remove the Vail from Your Heart

1 year ago

Are you being called by God? Do you have things in your life that you are trying to hide? God calls everyone into His kingdom to do the work He has assigned to each of us. We need to be ready to answer the call! How do we answer? The first thing we do is submit to Him and let Him lead our lives. This requires allowing God to lift the veil from our hearts. Until we give our whole heart to God, we will not be in His will. Our effectiveness in serving Him and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ will be diminished. Paul unknowingly had a veil on his heart, he believed he was doing good in persecuting Christians only to find out that was not God’s plan for his life.
God knows us, He knows our hearts and there is no reason to hide anything from Him. The quicker we stop hiding from God while listening to Satan, the quicker we can do God’s work in sharing Jesus. This will lead to a life of excitement, surprise and joy. It will also lead to a life where persecution from the world will come.
Satan does not want you to give your life to Christ. He wants you to live in fear, in sorrow, in pain, in distress and in the deceit, that he has created in your life. But our God is greater than he who is in the world because our God lives in us. No one is greater than our God!
Stop trying to live in two different worlds. Paul could not do it and neither can we do it so live for Christ now and enjoy what God has planned for you giving all your heart, mind, soul and strength to Him. He loves you, why because He tells us so.

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