Immigrants Speak Week 12: Philemon From Eritrea: Communism Is Enslavement

1 year ago

Philemon Sm was born and raised in Eritrea in the Horn of Africa, known as
the North Korea of the region, where the current president, Afwerki, has been ruling as a communist dictator since 1991. Philemon fled his native country in 2008, crossed the desert on foot, escaping bullets and starvation and reached the Sudanese border. After having lived in Sudan and Egypt for three years and being treated as a sub-human, he managed to go to Israel, where he was given refuge and a chance to live with dignity. He finally came to the US in 2016 and has lived here ever since, where he built his own business, started a family and is living as a free American citizen and enjoying human rights and respect. He has also founded a non-profit organization reaching out to the people in Eritrea, who have no access to the internet and have no concept of what the rest of world is like, through broadcasting in his native language.

Today Philemon shares with us his life story of being indoctrinated with Marxism and enslaved by the Eritrean government as a young man, his awakening and harrowing experience of escaping Eritrea only to be persecuted again in Sudan and Egypt, and his major concerns for America, as he sees the specter of Communism taking over the media, educational system and major institutions here. #communism #eritrea #enslavement #crt

Support Philemon's organization:
Agazian Media Foundation Inc.: a non profit organizations promoting freedom of press, our Judio_Christian values and culture through the media and education here in America and Eritrea.
Looking for volunteers with the intention of future salary.


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