10 NEW EXCLUSIVE Hack and Slash Games UPCOMING To Switch & PC - 2023

1 year ago

10 NEW EXCLUSIVE Hack and Slash Games UPCOMING To Switch & PC - 2023 - BEST Upcoming Hack and Slash Games 2023 - hack and slash games pc - hack and slash games 2023

00:00:00 1 - Afterimage
00:00:59 2 - Nameless
00:01:45 3 - The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails
00:02:22 4 - Wizard with a Gun
00:03:30 5 - IMMORTAL: And The Death That Follows
00:04:26 6 - Astral Ascent
00:05:36 7 - Cloudscape
00:06:57 8 - DROS
00:07:50 9 - Meifumado
00:09:13 10 - Lethal Honor - Order of the Apocalypse
T H A N K Y O U F O R W A T C H I N G !
P L E A S E L I K E A N D S U B S C R I B E !
Discover the Best Upcoming Hack and Slash Games for PC and Switch in 2023
which hack and slash game is the most anticipated /
there are several upcoming hack and slash games that are highly anticipated. Skul: The Hero Slayer is a hack and slash action-platformer that incorporates some fun ideas into the roguelite genre .
Ultra Age is a cool new hack and slash game that features intense combos and futuristic Earth setting where humanity’s days are numbered.
Have a Nice Death is a 2D action roguelike that uses procedural generation and hack and slash combat to make each run stand out .
Superfuse is a hack-n-slash title that allows players to fuse powers to become stronger and stronger .
Final Fantasy XVI is also an upcoming hack and slash game that is highly anticipated .
However, the most anticipated hack and slash game according to the search results is Wanted: Dead, which came out on February 14, 2023 . Wanted: Dead is a fresh hybrid slasher/shooter by Soleil, the developers of games like Ninja Gaiden, Samurai Jack and Dead or Alive .
It is an absolutely bonkers blend of fast-paced gunplay and frenetic melee action that lovingly vibes on its influences .
It is full of playful and bizarre surprises, and it’s refreshing to see a single-player game so clearly not give a fuck .
The game is currently available for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC.
#pcgaming #Switch #2023

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