[A]PRIL Showers. Public attack. [A]rrests. Why now? Military start. BIG month

1 year ago

I want to thank everybody for the tremendous support you have given me against this assault on our Nation. Our once beautiful USA is now a Nation in Decline. Radical Left Thugs & Insurrectionists have taken over our Country, & are rapidly destroying it. They are using the levers of Law Enforcement, and have completely Weaponized the FBI & DOJ to Interfere with, Rigg, and Steal our once SACRED ELECTIONS. We are now living in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, but we will Come Back & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!I have never had so much support and love as I do now against the Radical Left Insurrectionists, Extortionists, Crooked Politicians and Thugs that are destroying our Country. Thank you, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!I will be leaving Mar-a-Lago on Monday at 12 noon, heading to Trump Tower in New York. On Tuesday morning I will be going to, believe it or not, the Courthouse. America was not supposed to be this way!

President Trump will deliver remarks from Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, April 4 at 8:15pm ET.

Primetime address to the nation? LFG 🇺🇸

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