Toprugo Blavono Episode XIII: The Expidition

1 year ago


A long time ago, in a Galaxy far,
far away....



TOPRUGO BLAVONO has completed his mission on Coruscant and healed his former Master YUON PAR of a disease created by an ancient Dark Lord named TERRAK MORRHAGE. After healing Yuon of the disease, he is informed by the Jedi Council that they do not believe Yuon's illness to be an isolated case and he must travel to the planet Taris and the moon Nar Shadaa, where two Jedi Masters have recently begun to exhibit strange behaviors.

Before he can leave Coruscant, however, he is informed by a droid that Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan has a special assignment for him. He travels to the Republic Fleet and is informed that a vile group of xenophobic expansionists known as the ADVOSZE HEGEMONY have stolen a dangerous Republic-designed weapon station codenamed "Hammer," and have been using it to terrorise many worlds in the Outer Rim Territories.

After Toprugo faces the Hegemony and destroys the station, along with a top-ranking Hegemony official named BATTLELORD KRESHAN, he turns his attention to Taris, where an expeditionary force led by a Jedi Master named CIN TYKAN has gone missing....

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