Recitation of FAST RODE THE KNIGHT by Stephen Crane (Newark, USA, 1871-1900, Badenweiler, Germany)

1 year ago

About the author (Sobre o autor):

Stephen Crane (November 1, 1871 – June 5, 1900) was an American novelist, poet and journalist, born in Newark, New Jersey.

He was the 14th child of a Methodist pastor. From a very early age (at the age of 8) he began to write. After his mother's death in 1890, he left for New York, where he worked as a freelancer. His first work, Maggie-A girl of the streets, constitutes the first moment of the American naturalist movement.

However, his most important work remains The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil extraordinary document on the civil war. A contemporary and admirer of H. G. Wells, a friend of Joseph Conrad, he was a journalist in Cuba and Greece. He died in Germany aged just 28, a victim of tuberculosis.

selected works
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893)
Brazil: The glory of a coward: an episode of the American Civil War /Portugal: The Red Badge of Courage - in the original The Red Badge of Courage (1895)
The Black Riders and Other Lines (1895)
George's Mother (1896)
The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure (1898)
War is Kind (1899)
Active Service (1899)
The Monster and Other Stories (1899)
Wounds in the Rain (1900)
Great battles of the world (1901)
The O'Ruddy (1903)


Stephen Crane (1 de novembro de 1871 - 5 de junho de 1900) foi um romancista estado-unidense, poeta e jornalista, nascido em Newark, New Jersey.

Era o 14.º filho de um pastor metodista. Desde muito cedo (com 8 anos) começa a escrever. Após a morte da mãe, em 1890, parte para Nova Iorque, onde trabalha como freelancer. A sua primeira obra, Maggie-A girl of the streets,constitui o primeiro momento do movimento naturalista americano.

Contudo, a sua obra mais importante continua a ser The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil (Brasil: A glória de um covarde: um episódio da Guerra Civil americana /Portugal: A Insígnia Vermelha da Coragem), que é um documento extraordinário sobre a guerra de secessão. Contemporâneo e admirador de H. G. Wells, amigo de Joseph Conrad, foi jornalista em Cuba e na Grécia. Morreu na Alemanha com apenas 28 anos, vítima de tuberculose.

Obras seleccionadas
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893)
Brasil: A glória de um covarde: um episódio da Guerra Civil americana /Portugal: A Insígnia Vermelha da Coragem - no original The Red Badge of Courage (1895)
The Black Riders and Other Lines (1895)
George's Mother (1896)
The Open Boat and Other Tales of Adventure (1898)
War is Kind (1899)
Active Service (1899)
The Monster and Other Stories (1899)
Wounds in the Rain (1900)
Great battles of the world (1901)
The O'Ruddy (1903)


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