Episode 145

1 year ago

Anne and DK show off their projects, talk politics, Kellie Jay Keen, the latest violence and more.

You can find our sponsor at ChickenLadyFiberArts.com. Don't forget to sign up for her email list!!

Check out DK's Patreon here!! https://www.patreon.com/deplorableknitter

As always you can find us on the social medias as Anne Pinkava, and Deplorable Knitter.

Anne Pinkava
Instagram: @annepinkava
Love Crafts:https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/user/maker/fdba7e1e-93b6-4b6f-9f82-06ef18d0ec8c

Deplorable Knitter
Instagram: @DeplorableKnitter
Website: deplorableknitter.weebly.com

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