Pokemon Ultra Sun:Guiding An Awakening

1 year ago

After defeating Guzma and Team Skull Adam and Acerola return to the Aether House with Yungoos to find Lillie missing and Hau disappointed in himself for letting her go. Gladion bursts right in for a battle after Lillie is taken and Adam has to battle him. Then when they're at the Port to head for the Aether Foundation Nanu appears to give Adam his Grand Trial Battle. What a day for Adam. Will Adam be able to overcome all of these challenges? Plus also be able to win his Grand Trial for UlaUla Island? Stay tuned for the answers. I don't own the rights to Pokemon. All rights go to the Pokemon Company, Creatures Inc. GameFreak, Nintendo, Junichi Masuda and Satoshi Tajiri. If you enjoy the content I post feel free to like and subscribe for more Pokemon and other content.

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