Why You Shouldn't Start a Business and Dropping Out to Make Millions - Ambro Di Pilato: Xperience #2

1 year ago

Ambro Di Pilato joins the Xperience Podcast to discuss how to start a business, online courses, using beliefs to your advantage, fighting artists, scientific data on wolf behavior  & more…

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0:00 Welcome Ambro!
0:47 What does Ambro do?
3:47 Online courses
11:38 Ambro drops out of school!🏫
22:05 What made Ambro successful?
23:00 Does Ambro work hard?💪
24:25 ⚠️A lot of people make this mistake when starting a business⚠️
25:53 Ambro and Michael’s failed business (so far)
28:38 “He got lucky”
29:27 Teachers in online courses vs traditional school system
31:32 People can’t fathom your success💸
32:46 You aren’t solving the right problems
34:03 “Most people should not own a business”
34:16 Why did Ambro choose high ticket sales?💰
37:18 Our friend group made us successful
38:13 Chose beliefs that benefit YOU
46:55 Which steps can you take to improve yourself?
49:15 “I can convince myself of anything”
51:30 If you get hit by a bus, it’s your fault🚍
1:01:14 The key to success is this simple
1:04:24 If Ambro restarted today…
1:09:57 “Some people don’t care about the money”💲
1:17:24 How do you create a company culture?
1:31:55 Dealing with imposter syndrome
1:37:14 Does Ambro turn down clients?
1:40:07 1 thing to leave with the audience 
1:41:36 Contest!🌴

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