Laupahoehoe Point

1 year ago

Laupāhoehoe History
Throughout the 1800s, Laupāhoehoe, Hawai‘i was a sugarcane, taro farming, and fishing community. With the establishment of the Ladd & Co. sugar plantation, the sleepy town transformed into a bustling plantation town and became a stop along the newly built Hawai‘i Consolidated Railroad. Laupāhoehoe, Hawai‘i remained a thriving community complete with a shipping harbor until April 1, 1946, when three devastating tsunamis struck the peninsula in succession. The tsunamis swept away many homes and the schoolhouse. Tragically, the massive waves killed 23 schoolchildren and four teachers, along with many residents. There is a monumet erected at the school site in memory of those who perished that day.

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