Missed Pieces in Adventism: Imputation of Christ's Righteousness in the Investigative Judgment

1 year ago

This video argues to present some "nuggets" of light, which have not been understood or, perhaps, have been forgotten in Adventism. It is true that justification by faith during the investigative judgment or the pre-advent judgment has recently become more known through the type of the daily sanctuary service. However, I claim that my presentation, which is based on my MA thesis, makes imputation of Christ's righteousness as the climax of the investigative judgment more coherent with the typical Yom Kippur and with the Bible in general and with the writings of Ellen White. The daily does not deal with the repented and forgiven sins, nor with the struggle against the memory of sin. However, the yearly (antitypical Yom Kippur) deals with them through the judgment process and imputation of Christ's righteousness which is part of the investigative judgment itself, as even our deepest humbleness and repentance is not accepted in front of the infinite glory of God's law and throne without the imputed righteousness of Jesus in a climactic justification-act in the heavenly sanctuary (alien righteousness). Adventists need to hear this message!

If you want to look at my sources and references more closely, or read my thesis anyway, it is to be found here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354022882_A_Critical_Evaluation_of_Tom_Wright's_and_John_Piper's_Views_of_Criteria_of_Works_and_Climax_in_Judgment_of_the_Righteous_in_Light_of_Ontological_Quality_and_Adam-Christ_Representative_Headship

The picture of the video (the ark of the covenant and the cross): transformed from the picture by Mary Harrsch; https://www.flickr.com/photos/mharrsch/17814308434; License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/.

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