April 2, 2023

1 year ago

Really great discussion about a topic we've been looking forward to have with a certain gentleman for a while.. Brandon Martin joins us to help connect some dots, bridge some gaps and further our understanding of the differences between esoteric & exoteric Information and how the 2 can benefit everyone, but also why knowledge is esoteric to begin with. The divisions between people become very intricate when analyzing the knowledge differential between most individuals, which becomes more vast comparing a generic upbringing through the public school system next to someone like Brandon who was homeschooled.

With so much information out there and so many distortions, angles and interpretations, it can be very tricky to sift through even a fraction of it all to find the golden objective truths recorded, theorized and philosophized throughout human history.

Brandon has a wealth of knowledge that he has distilled with fellow colleagues into profound presentations, interviews and conferences.



Brandon's portal: https://seedtruth.com/author/seedtruth93/

They do have some cool teeshirts like the one he was sporting in the intro/outro worth checking out too

You can find out more info about the upcoming conferences on his website, and you can also sign up for the FUNL 3 Conference, The Trivium on June 24-25 here: https://freedomundernaturallaw.com/

He & Leslie can be found on: https://onegreatworknetwork.com/

Leslie Powers: alivethrive.life
She provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation

Derek is constantly involved in his conscious creations on his other channels on 7 different platforms


contact us if you would like to be a guest or have any suggestions

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