Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Dominica in Palmis - 2 April 2023 AD...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Dominica in Palmis...2 April 2023 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Dominica in Palmis - 2 April 2023 today's Gospel the history of the Passion of Christ Our Lord is described according to St. Matthew the Apostle, and the preceding procession with palm boughs to celebrate the entrance of Christ Our Lord into Jerusalem, the chanting of Hosanna in the Highest of the people, while Christ Our Lord knew what await Him at their hands when His time is up, God Himself from His ungrateful unbelieving creatures, although He has revealed all they needed to know about His coming into the world and why that would come to pass. And by comparison the same can be said of the situation of His Church, the true Roman Catholic Church, which is not abandoned by God but again by His ungrateful unbelieving heretical or apostate creatures, as it is evident by simple observation of the situation in today's world where most of them who claim to be Catholic in fact fail miserably to fulfill its sacred meaning, in their heretical beliefs and thus inadequate deeds, contrary what true Catholic profess and practice...and no matter how much such perverted souls would try to establish their good standing as Catholics, them professing heretical fabrications of the devil makes that sacred duty utterly impossible to be accomplished...


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