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Two-Step Apostasy

1 year ago

The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 64
A continuation of the lesson in the previous episode. So how DO you make two step pasta? And how does that relate to salvation? You’ll find out today on the Cross References podcast.
0:00 - Intro
2:50 - Two-Step Pasta
6:30 - Two-Step Apostasy
11:25 - In Their Own Words
16:30 - Three!
20:21 - American Apostasy
24:30 - Closing Thoughts

The Tenets of So-Called “Progressive Christianity
there are many paths to heaven (universalism)
the Bible is not the inerrant Word of God
- even if Jesus wasn’t God, He was still a good teacher
- hell is not real
- we need to “decolonize” our faith (saying Christianity is too “white”)
- God doesn’t judge/have wrath
- pro-abortion
- gay-affirming churches
- there are more than two genders (or that someone can change their gender)

If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com
Hosted by Luke Taylor