Malone - Red Flags - DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!!!

1 year ago

Something that has always bothered me with Malone. It goes way back to Ron Johnson’s round table. He made a few comments that really stood out to me and had me cautious of him back then. I call them red flags. I merged them together and you decide for yourself.

The first one was him admitting that he works for the DOD and if anyone has been following these bioweapon injections, then you will know the significance of this. The other is about reverse transcriptase, if you don't know anything about this, watch this video It plays a very big part on why these injections are so damaging to our bodies now and for future generations.
The other was when Dr. Christina Parks was trying to explain about these injections causing the body to shut down the immune response and Malone interrupted her stated that she is way down into the weeds. Then he goes on to basically saying that they didn’t need to have this discussion right now.

There are some people out there that is supressing the truth. They will tell just enough truth to gain your trust and then feed you with lies and deception to control the narrative and keep you in check. So please look for red flags and question everything that sounds off to you. We are living in such deceptive times and we need to be on guard!

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