Family meetings in intensive care, avoiding the pitfalls and how to be in control! Live stream!

1 year ago

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Good afternoon, good evening, good morning, wherever you are. Welcome to another live stream for intensive care hotline. My name is Patrik Hutzel from, and I want to welcome you to this live stream.

And today’s topic is about family meetings in intensive care, how to avoid the pitfalls, and how to be in control. It is one of my absolute favorite topics when it comes to advocacy and consulting for families in intensive care, because there’s so much in it. There’s so many pitfalls. There’s so many things you can avoid in the first place. I will share some strategies with you, if you do go to those meetings, how you can conduct yourselves in those meetings and get outcomes that you want for your loved ones.

So what makes me qualified to talk about this topic? I have worked in intensive care for over 20 years. Out of those 20 years, I have worked as a nurse unit manager in intensive care for over five years. I’ve worked in three different countries. I’ve also worked, and still work, in the intensive care at home space. So a lot of the advocacy that we are doing is also time right in with getting patients out of intensive care, to Intensive Care at Home, giving patients choice and giving patients quality of life, but also giving intensive care units choice too.

So I also want to apologize quickly for the delay. I had this live stream scheduled for 8:00 PM Eastern standard time, but something had come up and actually, I was talking to a client a minute ago, where I hope we saved a client from having life support withdrawn in intensive care against family’s wishes, without family consent. It was a typical situation that probably could have been avoided in the first place if the family had contacted me much earlier, but let’s dive right into the topic today.


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