A Safe Haven video Montage "Mountain Refuges"

1 year ago

The need for safety and shelter is a serious concern. Hear what the Holy Spirit is saying and he will lead you to safety. These places need built.
TAKE THE NEXT STEP in Christ in these Last Days & act on your FAITH in His WORD: BY Leaving all the things of THIS (Deceptive) WORLD behind you and taking up the cross. These protected communities need built in the mountainous areas; they're being worked on.…..Yeshua said “This Generation shall not see Death”

((Its for all -- but really will be those who are the Faithful and True Bride of Jesus Christ who are listening to and Know God’s Words/ Sees the Signs and Know HE Comes Quickly, this glorious last Church will be akin to the that of the Book of ACTS and they will overcome Death by going up to meet Jesus in the clouds in the gathering up aka “the Rapture” You can see it in 1 Corin 15:50- and in Matthew 24 clearly with this perspective. …..God’s Word is truth and I am but a man.))


Numbers 23:19
“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

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