1 year ago

ootage from Underground Corsham. May contain Spring Quarry, Burlington, CDCN, Copenacre, Tunnel Quarry, GOSCC and other places. This is Crown Copyright reproduced here for educational and historical purposes only.Check out the other 18 tapes in this series... on this channel
0:00 - Burlington - 1950s telephone exchange (listed site of special historic interest)
1:12 - Burlington - 1950s telephone exchange - directories updates until late 1980s
4:00 - Burlington - 1980s telephone exchange - more modern kit replaced the wooden desks and humans
6:48 - Burlington - 1980s telephone exchange - power plant
7:28 - Burlington - 1980s telephone exchange - back in the exchange
9:28 - Burlington - Infirmary - kitchen (the maintenance staff unpacked bits from the store and set up the whole Infirmary area how they thought it would look, it was never actually used)
11:11 - Burlington - Infirmary - wards
13:23 - Burlington - Infirmary - sluice room
13:45 - Burlington - general corridor in the government office area, this would have been Whitehall if the nuke hit
15:54 - Burlington - office, lamson tube used to send message around the bunker in pods via pressured pipe network
16:58 - Burlington - government office space
18:20 - Burlington - designated as the PM's map room but as it was never set up it's hard to tell what it would have looked like or been used for, the room has a windowed-gallery looking in to it
21:29 - Burlington - one of the main passageways
25:06 - Burlington - water treatment area and pump room
28:44 - Burlington - communal washrooms
30:06 - Burlington - main canteen and serving area
30:49 - Burlington - a very old and very rare 1950s automatic coffee machine
32:09 - Burlington - Main canteen kitchens

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