
1 year ago

ما عليك سوى الانتساب إلى هذه القناة للاستفادة من المزايا:
Sweeping often uses kicking or wrestling to hit one or both legs of the opponent in order to cause the opponent to lose his balance and fall to the ground. The attacker can then wrestle, kick or hit A fallen opponent who will be in an unfavorable position, possibly due to shock from the fall.
In the semi-kimpo style, it is allowed (one minute) by holding the foot or without holding. This technique includes holding (trapping) the opponent’s leg during the kick, then sweeping the other leg of the opponent and dropping him to the ground, and it can be from the back or the front.

الإتحاد المصرى للكيمبو ( تحت التأسيس )
Egyptian Kempo Federation
WFMC -Egypt and Noth Africa
تعليم الفنون القتالية والعاب الدفاع عن النفس وقتال الشوارع
Teaching martial arts and self defense and street fighting

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