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15 seconds

J6 Vigil in DC 4/1/2023


  • 0/2000
  • Where are the rest of our movement? Why are there NoT more Declaration of Independence, Constitution & Bill of Rights Patriot loving Americans supporting the J6 Political Prisoners in the Biden Gulags? I'm not able to watch whole live stream usually. I'm healing from 14 spine surgeries and partial knee replacement/reconstruction on patella so I'm busy doing therapy and trying to run household.I do have prisoner bracelets w/info on them. I pray for them & going to talk to Church I attend about writing letters/cards & send Spiritual Strength, Hope & Joy in knowing God chose them for this part of His Plan & Kingdom. I'm in my own prison of pain so understand it's hard to see the Joy & Blessing right in this moment. God Bless

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  • hello david