These are the problems you should be aiming for

1 year ago

Your electronic devices are a fundamental part of you.

It's been nearly 30 days since I've interacted with an electronic device

and my thoughts are louder than ever before.

Like a newly blind man who develops an acute sense of smell, touch, and hearing.

I had unlimited information and communicative powers which I could conjure into my hands at will.

I've been cut off, but you haven't.

You reading this possess UNLIMITED power at your disposal.

If you're broke you can learn what to do to become rich.

If you're weak you can learn what to do to become strong.

You have instant and continuous access to every good and bad idea thought up.

You do not have the same problem as your ancestors.

When your grandparents were broke, they couldn't just listen to a rich person on how to make money.

When they wanted to become better fighters, they couldn't just google their nearest fight gym.


You are only weak, poor, or alone because you do not use the power at your fingertips.

If you can read this email, you can find any tool you need with a few clicks.

You stand on the shoulders of giants.

Get to work.

- Tate

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